Monday, 21 July 2008

Can’t stop eating

I've just had:

  • One ham and salad sarnie with thick tin loaf bread, walkers ham, tomatoes, cucumber and leafy frizzie lettuce
  • One cheese and salad sarnie, substituting the walkers ham with ASDA mature cheddar
  • One small slice of bread and butter
  • One pot of yoghurt
  • Three chocolate biscuits
  • Cup of tea

And this isn’t all day, oh no, this is in the last half hour on some strange eating binge.

In related news I found a pair of jeans that adjust to fit so I can stop wearing the terrible ones now.

In other news I have done no work on the play. Zilch, nothing, nana. I am faintly terrified that they will take one look at the pregnancy and tell me to go home on Wednesday as smug writers look on.

I also cannot think about the play as I have my first scan tomorrow and I find out dates, sex and baby or babies? Thrilling stuff.


morphean ramble said...

I doubt they're expecting you to turn up with it fully written...

Lucy Ann Wade said...

And they can't send you away for being pregnant - there are laws against that sort of thing.

Babies? Eek!