I’m getting quite scared about this
What if they hate me? I know it’s said in the whiniest voice, but I’ve had women look me from head to toe and simply say “you’re not for the BBC.”
I suppose the best thing to do is think of these few things and grasp onto them like your falling down Old John and you seriously hope bracken will break your fall!
Amanda Whittington
“I think it’s a good thing to sometimes find yourself daunted by your work, otherwise it becomes too easy, you grow lazy, and you’re probably not doing your best.”
J.W. Bennett
Yeah, never thought I’d be quoting bits of James’s Blog! It’s got that bad!
Weirdly enough I haven’t bothered on the questions yet. I’ve had three days with the most aggressive, bitter, emotionally retarded woman I know. Amah smith came to visit. Oh she does my nut in. it’s strange how the emphasis is often on boys and fathers, my dad and my brother get on fine, me and my dad get on fine, however nobody gets on with my mother, not even her brothers and sisters… I suppose it’s because she ahs the double curse of being born in the year of the dragon and a two faced Gemini.
Oooohh! I’m going to boil in my rage!!!!
Just be yourself, and be comfortable being yourself, and if they don't like you, it's their loss. Worse case scenario - you can not like some one personally and still work with them. Don't sweat it!
Yeah you should write a character like your mum!
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