Saturday 8 March 2008

oh Dear...

I feel quite funny about a few things. E and C have split up and its not really that surprising. I think HM and I are more upset about it than they are...

Anyway, 'nuff personal shit. How's the writing coming on?

Last Thurs I bored HM to death by rabbiting on about the play for like 3 hours. He seemed quite enthused and that in turn made my enthusiasm swell for it but the actual boring task of re-writing is wearing me out. I do all kinds of things before actually sitting at the desk and tap, tap, tapping away at the keyboard. Draft 3 has to all be about the characters and where they are. Mel and Eden are my biggest headaches. they have changed so very much. It's becoming more and more clear now, however.

I need lots of people to help me do a reading of act 2. Here is my mental list:

FRANKO - Morph
EDEN - Lucy Wade
MEL - Sarah (?)
BOBER - Eddy
RATEYE - Mekon
TITI - Helena

I need a Simon... Actually... if i recruit Jacko to read Ken... HM can do Simon. That would possibly work better 4 me...

April 5th is the shaddowy date...

I'll get som hummus in...

1 comment:

Lucy Ann Wade said...

Wow! I'm like a whole name, first name and surname!