Sunday, 20 January 2008

Oh, Betty!

Computer hopping is the way that I seem to get about updating this thing. I am now sat in one of the houses that is in my novel, in fact in the very room that my narrator spends her first night back. there are 3 people that are in the novel in this house at this very moment and i suppose it is a bit strange. Kinda like actually being the narrator, herself.

I read a portion of it out to Mardyworp today. He thinks I'm going to get a telling off from Little My. He's probs right.

It's progressing well. I should be suspicious but I'm just happy to be writing. I spent from 8pm until 12 or so writing last night. I really do my best stuff at night. It's like a guilt trip where I ocupy my mind and body with things that don't matter, chores that do not really need to be done and then feel so guilty that I HAVE to write by about the time it falls dusk.

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