Saturday, 25 October 2008

Manchester - 24 Degrees

For some unknown reason technological problems have been holing me back over the past few weeks. Firstly, blogger seems unable to direct me to my blog without a real run about, secondly my computer has been well and truly shit licked, i.e. It’s not working, and its one thong after another that seems to do it. Dodgy programmes, dodgy Internet and dodgy equipment is the root of the problem. In any case its impossible for me to get the draft of my play up at this moment tin time and also impossible to put it onto any other computer thanks to the super-duper version of word that was installed by my little brother. I hate it when things think they are cleverer than they actually are.

I went to Manchester on Monday and Tuesday for an all expenses paid type residency. It was quite good and interesting. We had a talk from Russell T Davis about writing for mainstream TV, something I had not previously considered. Russell T seems to think that TV is an art form that is unrecognised by highbrow arty types. Tried to explain this to HM on my return (as he seems to believe the same about computer games) and it was met by a frosty reception.

Had a very heavy session of structure from Paul at the BBC. It was really informative and helped me clarify a few things in the narrative I am trying to piece together. Shame it was right at the end of the residency and therefore we were all very tired. If I could change one thing about the weekend it would have been the seats in the room at the BBC. My bum feels a bit weird now!

On the run up to the residency we had to view/watch/listen/ read a few different pieces. A radio play called Random by Debbie Tucker Green (which I liked least and was reluctant to admit it at first seeing as DTG is my mentor!), White Girl by Abi Morgan (we got to read the script and then watch the show on DVD – thought the script was 100 times better and that the TV version had made it less funny and less dark in many places) and The Seagull by Chekov (actually ok).

Baby is incubating nicely! Had a baby shower last week and a scan yesterday (internal). They sprung it on me, but the look on HM’s face when they produced a long camera-tool thing... I wasn’t at all bothered, I’m gonna have many things inserted and coming out of me over the next few months. HM was disgusted.

1 comment:

Lucy Ann Wade said...

Are you coming to see Morph's play this weekend? Would be great to see you. Sorry I missed the shower - hope you had fun!