Tuesday, 1 April 2008

A Little Fear Goes a Long Way...

A little fear is something I have right about now. Saturday is approaching ever closer for the first read through of Alcatraz and it’s, quite frankly, rubbish.
However, at second draft stage I know its rubbish. I know what needs doing to it; all I want is for it to be heard off the page by me and perhaps to a few others who can then be informed on what I’m working on... if ya see what I mean...
I know that it has no characterisation at the moment and this effects the plot. I kind of just want to punish myself a bit. I feel that i need to hear it. It might give me a few ideas.

and what if some of my readers dont turn up!!!!

1 comment:

morphean ramble said...

I read it and I liked it.

'Tis good shenaniganry.